Parish Pastoral Council
Function of the Parish Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is made up of parishioners and meets approximately five times a year to assist the Parish Priest and focus its efforts on promoting Christian values and building a sense of fellowship amongst parishioners and the wider community of Tarleton and Hesketh Bank.
Members and Roles
P Allison - Pastoral Outreach
D Mackley - Minutes’ Secretary / Catechist
E O’Hare - Children’s Liturgy
J O’Hare - Parish Hall / Bar Licence
M Rouse - Music Liturgy / Choir
K Standing - Safeguarding Officer
Fr G Anders - Parish priest
The dates of meetings are printed in parish newsletter, for two weeks before the meeting, so that parishioners can contact any of the members and ask them to raise any particular issues at that meeting.
Minutes of Meetings
These are published and displayed on the church notice board, in the porch, within a week of the meeting taking place.