Sept. 26th 2019

Holy Mass Intention
Saturday   28th .  6:45pm Dorothy McClusky RIP
Sunday   29th   9:30am Walter & Jean Cliffe RIP
Monday   30th   6:45pm Michael Frei
Friday   4th   9:30am LISCF
Saturday   5th   6:45pm Thanksgiving for exam Success (O)
Sunday   6th   9:30am Parishioners
Eucharistic Exposition/Benediction: 7.10- 7.45pm;
Confessions: 7.10-7.40pm
Friday: Marian Devotions at 9.55am

Holy Mass for Sunday at St. Peter & St. Paul’s, Mawdesley – Saturday at 5.00pm, Sunday at 11.15am


This Week
Ministry E. Minister Reader
Saturday M Rouse
Sunday J McDaid D Mackley
Next Week
Ministry E. Minister Reader
Saturday M Cookson
Sunday J Hushon P Allison

£250.65  Thank you      CES: £48.63; Home Missions: £67.26

OFFERTORY COUNTERS: Please count those attending masses this weekend and next weekend.  Thank you.

200 CLUB DRAW / COFFEE MORNING: has been postponed.  It will now be held on 6 November (with the November draw)

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING:  Monday 30 September, at 8pm

SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME: begins today, preparing our children for Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion.  Please remember them – and their families – in your prayers.

CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY – FRIDAY 4 OCTOBER: Please consider how you can help, by eating a simple meal on Friday 4 October and donating the money saved to CAFOD.  You could even try the delicious soup recipe, below.  If you pay tax, please Gift Aid your donation: by doing so, you can increase the value of your gift by 25p for every £1 donated – at no cost to you whatsoever!  The extra 25% makes a huge difference.  In the last year, CAFOD made just under £3m. through Gift Aid donations.  It really matters!  Envelopes are available for collection in the porch.

APPARITION OF THE VIRGIN OF REVELATION: Sunday 29 September, 7pm at St Mary’s Parish Centre, Standishgate, Wigan.  Sr Emanuela Edwards will present a talk on the history of the apparition of Our Lady in Rome in 1947 – and her message for our times.  Our Lady said, “All those who place themselves under my green mantle of mercy, I will protect.”



Family Fast Day Prayer Cafod Leek & Potato Soup
St Francis of Assisi, your whole life sang in harmony with God, nature and others.

With you, we praise God for Brother Son, full of beauty and splendour, warming the earth, summoning shoots from darkness in to daylight.

We praise God for Sister Water, so useful and humble, precious and pure, greening arid ground, growing life in desert places.

Pray for us, Francis, that, like you, we may care for all the exists, until Brother Sun and Sister Water produce a harvest shared by all in love and solidarity, justice and peace.




500g leeks, chopped

2 onions, chopped

600g potatoes, diced

2 garlic cloves, crushed

1 litre veg stock

1 tsp Dijon mustard


  1. Melt some butter in a pan, add leeks and potatoes, with plenty of seasoning. Cook gently for 15 – 20 minutes.  Add the garlic and stir for 1 minute.
  2. Add the stock and mustard. Bring to the boil and simmer on a low heat for 15 mins, until the veg is soft.  Season to taste.

Sprinkle the soup with chopped chives – and enjoy!