Oct. 20th 2019
Holy Mass | Intention |
Saturday 19th 6:45pm | Mrs Una Mary McBride RIP |
Sunday 20th 9:30am | Parishioners |
Saturday 26th 6:45pm | Dec Members of Tuson Family |
Sunday 27th 9:30am | Michael Anthony Kelly RIP |
PLEASE NOTE There are no weekday services this week. |
Holy Mass for Sunday at St. Peter & St. Paul’s, Mawdesley – Saturday at 5.00pm, Sunday at 11.15am
SPECIAL COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND: World Mission Sunday. Please use the Gift Aid envelopes in the porch for your donations. Thank you.
HOLY SOULS – NOVEMBER DEAD: Please take an envelope from the porch, for your intentions for our dear departed. Write your list and place it in the envelope with your offering. It can be handed in on the church plate, or through the presbytery letter box, or to Fr Anders personally. Several masses will be offered throughout November and beyond.
SYNOD 2020: Please collect the information leaflet and prayer card after Mass. The four themes identified from your responses to the survey earlier in the year are:-
- All called and gifted by God
- Sharing the mission of Jesus
- How we pray together
- Building community, nurturing belonging
Parishioners are now invited to attend four meetings between October 2019 and March 2020, focussing on each theme. Everything will be explained at the first meeting. We really do need your thoughts and ideas! Please make a note in your diaries that the first of these meetings is on the theme of ‘All Called and Gifted by God’, and will be on Monday 11 November, at 7.45pm. For further information, please visit the Synod 2020 website: www.synod2020.co.uk
WALKING DAY – CONCERT & AFTERNOON TEA: Sunday 3rd November at 2pm in our parish hall. Tickets = £6 and are available from Emma O’Hare on 01772 814648. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the amazing sounds of Hesketh Bank Silver Band, plus a feast of cakes, scones and endless supplies of tea!
APPLICATIONS FOR BISHOP RAWSTORNE ACADEMY: One of the entry criteria of some C of E schools requires evidence of the commitment of one of the parents or guardians of the prospective pupil to the Christian faith, ie fortnightly worship for a period of at least one year. Please note that the Church is contacted to verify attendance for the year preceding entry. For pupils hoping to enter in Sept. 2021, the period of assessment started on 1 Sept 2019. Please pass this info on to parishioners who may not always manage to see the Newsletter.
FIZZICAL DANCERCISE: In the parish hall on Mondays and Thursdays, 7.30pm to 8.30pm. A mix of retro, modern and floor exercises to help you get fit and flexible for Christmas. £4 per session. Please ring Julie on 01704 211871.
Message from Pope Francis for World Mission Sunday 2019
Celebrating the Extraordinary Month of Mission in October will help us to rediscover the missionary element of our faith in Jesus Christ. Through our communion with God, we are born to new life. This divine life is not a product for sale, but a treasure to be given: that is the meaning of mission. We receive this gift freely and share it freely.
As far as God’s love is concerned, no one is useless or insignificant. Each of us is a mission to the world, for each of us is the fruit of God’s love.